Our site provides you will all of the information that you could ever want to know about The Shirelles. We cover every single track that they did since inception and their best hits that took the world by storm. We will also help you find places where you can purchase the group’s music or simply listen to it online.
Our site also intends to bring together all The Shirelles fans from around the world. We want to create a central place where fans can share their experiences and any other information pertaining to the group. The Shirelles made an incredible contribution to the music industry that it would be a shame to forget the legacy that they left behind.
You can get in touch with us via our email address: admin@theshirelles.com
We also welcome guest writers to our site. If you have any experience that you want to write about and share with other fans from across the world, you can simply send it to us via email and we will publish it on the site.
You can also feel free to share our pieces with your friends on social media as well. The Shirelles’ talent was one that should be forgotten. We want to ensure that the legacy of The Shirelles lives on and that many people get to know about them and all the achievements that they attained in the 60s.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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